Free Post 21. The meaning of economy; the preservation and renewing of value as a form of resistance.
Free Post 20. Polar night at the dream house; learning to see something where I used to see nothing; the task of carrying the empty place.
Free Post 18. The dialogue between myself and a space I'm learning to inhabit. Inclinations & tendencies of different shelled creatures.
Free Post 15. The origins of restlessness. Wandering as a calling and a home. Spaceships and blanket forts.
Free Post 13. I've never felt, about anything I was writing, the way I feel about the letters I write to you. It's one of those feelings that confounds any easy or convenient language, any of the prefabricated phrases we have for talking about feelings.
Free Post 12. Here is a question. How can we justify choosing to make art, when we could be saving lives, saving the planet, or doing other work that seems more important or urgent?
Free Post 11. How can your participation in the infinite game not be bounded by your lifetime? Also, the role of surprise.